Our Vision…

  • We are encouraging all young people to take action in their community and our world.
  • We are moving forward with our mission.
  • We are powerful advocates for change.
  • We are making a difference.
  • We are proactive not reactive.
  • We are the future so hear our voices!

Friday, July 24, 2009


As many of you know, I am a huge environmental advocate, dedicated to help protect, preserve and save environmental resources, animals and habitats. I am struck by the fact that even the little things we do can make a difference. Let’s just say, I’m basically the redhead with the guitar strapped on her back that picks up someone else’s trash on her way into the studio LOL. I’m definitely into helping to make the world cleaner and greener, and if I can do that through music and the arts, well… all the better.

That’s why I love the environmental media association, EMA for short. EMA channels a positive message and proactive environmental solutions through the media, arts and entertainment. They’re the organization that stands for greener sets and studios, greener lifestyles and industries. EMA also educates the next generation in environmental protection.

(Here I am about to plant a small carrot plant along with Nicole Richie, Youths from the school, and Youths from the ‘Looking Ahead Program’)

It is certainly a pleasure supporting EMA, and I value the hands on approach they take when it comes to teaching youth. I find it rather sad that so many schools teach the three R’s and such, but fail to put an emphasis on teaching the basic and vital skills about protecting and preserving our world. This is where EMA comes in. Their recent event was at a school in Los Angeles, CA for a project called “Gardening in the Schools”. It is a part of a mission to make many of the schools in that district greener by installing school gardens.

Along with EMA I joined the ‘Looking Ahead Organization’, ‘Yes to Carrots’, Amy Smart, Maria Menounos, members of Maroon 5, and Nicole Richie for a morning of hands-on gardening with the Kids and Teens of the selected school. It was an incredibly harmonious time graced by wonderful speeches from many of the founders, sponsors, partners and participants. Some of the most memorable speeches were from the founders and main directors of ‘EMA’, ‘Yes To Carrots’ (who’s representative/founder gave a wonderful speech concluded by literally taking a bite out of their own natural lip-balm!) Nicole Richie, beautifully expressed her dedication to this cause and the importance of it and Amy smart spoke about the importance “being green” and the impact it has on one’s health as well as many others.
(Soon this plot of land will be a beautiful flowering garden and provide fresh organic food for the kids at the school!)

Many of the students expressed, that beyond benefiting the environment, gardening was an incredibly peaceful and tranquil experience. A thyme* to clear one’s thoughts and connect with nature can certainly be rare in today’s society, but it is a beautiful and thought provoking experience. As I was planting the tiny roots of rose bushes, sprigs of mint and leaflets from carrots along with supporters and students, I thought about the symbolic beauty a garden. All of the different types of plants in their own individuality only add to the beauty of it, just as our world benefits from all people. If only we too could reside in harmony and find common ground as the flowers and plants in the garden so that we can work towards the goal of making this world a better place.

*(LOL I was getting so “garden-y” that this was an actual “typo” but I decided to leave it in for the sake of it.)

(Here we are walking to the garden. BTW…to give credit where credit is due…the paparazzi took these pictures LOL)

There is this store in California that features a number of “old HoLLyWooD legend” names on signs that have been “slightly” altered to fit the going green movement. I don’t know if the legends themselves would be humored or slightly offended (let’s hope not because these guys and gals rock) but I thought it was worth sharing, so here goes:

Elvis Parsley
(Elvis Presley)

Avid Gardner
(Ava Gardner)

Ginger Rogers
(No Change Here)

Marylyn cornrow
(Marylyn Monroe)

James Bean
(James Dean)

Betty Graple
(Betty Grable)

Tofutti Garland
(Judy Garland)

Grape Jelly
(Grace Kelly)

Here is what I did with my name…it’s the best I could do in a few seconds time and I must say I am quite humored:

Artic-Tundra Rose Greener
(Alexandra Rose Rieger)

So all you nature lovers, green thumbs and enviro-supporters out there, comment me back with your altered “green” name to show your support for a greener world! Can’t wait to read them! You All Rock!!

-Alexandra Rose Rieger

Jonathan Jaques

I just recently participated in a “torch run” charity event for the Jonathan Jaques Children’s Cancer Center. It is a beautiful event celebrating the children and their families that face the diagnosis of cancer and other serious disorders. The day was dedicated to honoring those in memory and cheering on those that have survived. The survivors passed the torch to those currently battling cancer, the ceremonial torch passing graced the run with a powerful symbolism to fight, press on and persevere.
The Jonathan Jaques Children’s Cancer Center (JJCCC) at Miller Children’s Hospital cares for children and families facing diagnoses of cancer and other serious blood disorders. The torch run honors inspirational children who celebrate another year won in the fight against serious illness. It is a day to remember for a lifetime. (From The Jonathan Jaques Children’s Cancer Center website: http://www.jjccc.com/)

(Here I am signing. I always like to write a quick special message to the person I’m signing for. I must admit that I enjoy the look on their faces when I say “left hand signature or right hand signature” I’m pretty much ambidextrous LOL!)

As this cause is really close to my heart, there was nothing like spending the day celebrating so many young heroes; I met a number of incredibly inspirational kids. I ran alongside them not only in honor of them and their families, but also to honor the many cancer survivors in my family, as well as relatives who have lost their lives battling cancer.

For me supporting Non Profit Organizations is a part of my life and doing so has helped make me who I am. I believe that when we give to causes larger than ourselves, it not only expands our horizons, but connects us with others in meaningful ways. As I am writing this, I think about Farah Faucet and her brave fight with cancer. Her legacy will continue to live on especially as each of us make conscience steps to support and spread awareness. This blog is dedicated in the memory of her and many others that have fought and dealt through hardships.

(The little boy holding the torch is also a cancer survivor. He is such an inspiration. He has been through so much and has come out on the other side smiling. A worthy cause to celebrate!)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Children Cancer Research Fund 2009

I have been a supporter of the Children’s Cancer Research Fund (CCRF) for several years now and I am honored to have the opportunity to support a charity that is making such wonderful strides to “defeet cancer”. Recently I attended the annual “CCRF Walk-A-Thon” where I joined a number of other teen entertainers there to support the event.

(Here we are at the start line…can you spot me? LOL)

CCRF was started with the inception and implementation of a remarkable project that would help change the medical environment for all children. Having seen the courage, strength and need of the children, Founder Matti Contopulos found a new way to bring fresh hopes and more than a few smiles to the children with cancer and their families.
(From CCRF website: http://www.ccrf-kids.org/)

This is definitely a cause that I strongly support, I have many cancer survivors in my family, as well as relatives who have lost their lives battling cancer, so this definitely “hits pretty close to home”. Through this fundraiser and others like it, new possibilities are being explored in cancer research. As a result, more children are finally being able to receive the proper medical attention.

(In the honor of those taking steps to defeat cancer, a carnival/fair was set up at the finish line of the walk-a-thon)

According to the National Cancer Institute, “In the United States already in 2007 alone, approximately 10,400 children under age 15 were diagnosed with cancer and about 1,545 children will die from the disease. This makes cancer the leading cause of death by disease among U.S. children 1 to 14 years of age. On average, 1 to 2 children develop the disease each year for every 10,000 children in the United States”.

It is definitely a serious issue and one that continues to need support and awareness. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope that you too will share the importance of this cause with your friends and family, it’s just another step on the journey to defeat cancer.

We can all help to make a difference by taking steps together!

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Strawberry Fest

Summer is one of my favorite times of the year (of course fall, winter and spring are too so I don’t really have a bona fide “favorite”). Not only does it bring months filled with golden rays of sunlight, longer days and blooming roses, but it’s also the time of the strawberry festival!

For those of you that do not know, I love strawberries! When I was really little I found out that they also double as a lovely “lipstick” color which sadly due to the “tastiness” didn’t last long. Now I just like them period, plus they come with an added benefit in that they “supposedly” whiten teeth. Anyway, the Strawberry Festival in Gardena, CA is a splendid fair/parade that happens annually around summertime, but what I like best of all is the fact that it gives back to the community!

(There were so many great booths and fun games. Here I am at one of the activity tables…Three cheers for carnival games!)

Each year the Strawberry Festival hosts a special day for children with mental, physical and emotional challenges. I participated in this fun packed day spending time with many really sweet and extremely brave kids, their families and caretakers. I really enjoyed the rides, games and activities with my new buddies.

I also volunteered to pass out water and wore none other than my bright red strawberry vis-ette (I would say visor but the little hat requires a far more adorable term). The day was all about encouraging the kids to “keep on keeping on” despite difficulties, disabilities or hardships. It was a great way to break into summer and help bring smiles to many faces!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The World, Music and Global Justice Lawyering

Arts, entertainment and music have always been my passion. Through my passion, I’ve found my voice. A voice to sing, a voice to speak but more importantly a voice for those that have no voice, and a voice for those that aren’t heard. As I am a youth ambassador I attend several conferences dedicated to bringing aid and spreading awareness about global justice issues throughout the world.

Recently I was invited to attend a conference about 'Global Justice Lawyering' hosted by Stanford Law School. The conference was both riveting and inspiring. It was moving being among academicians of various disciplines (law, medicine, business and psychology) exploring the themes of Global Social Justice; hard truth was countered with possible solutions. This awakened a new interest as I saw a direct correlation between music and 'Global Justice Lawyering'.

As a musician I strive to shed light on truth through music, spread awareness and speak out through my craft. A Global Justice Lawyer travels the world, finds evidence and exposes the truth so that its voice may be heard. I begin to think, that if this is truly the case, no matter what scale it's on, almost any passion can be used to make a change. I wonder what would happen if this ideal were to be further instilled throughout the world.

The themes were fodder for thought, some of them were:
  • What it is like interacting with the international criminal justice and working with international criminal tribunals.
  • Panelists discussed their involvement with torture-related projects from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
  • The intersection of international human rights law and environmental justice.
  • The application of economic and social human rights issues to domestic issues, a cutting-edge area of law in the United States.

    I am grateful to have met directly with many people involved in these areas in South Africa; especially since the end of Apartheid, these topics are of extreme importance. There are so many questions left unanswered and many people working collectively to find them. One thing which remains clear to me is that global problems such as these can never be solved alone or in a vacuum but require a multi disciplinary approach on an international platform.

    As Andrew Carnegie once said:

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."